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The kink resistant MrCool Universal line set is revolutionary and patented because of it’s detailed features that are only offered by MrCool. The kink resistant MrCool Universal line set is put to the test in this video as Alex attempts to kink the line, but is not successful due to the new patented kink resistance system created by MrCool.
While the 4th Gen line set has a spring to ensure stability, this video is about the line set of a different product, the Universal central heat pump split system.
If a line set was found to have a bad (leaking) solder joint in one of the two lines connecting to the indoor unit during initial installation would this require vacuuming the system before or during installation of the new line set?
note: no lines to the compressor have been attached yet, leak was in large line (gray). smaller line did not show any leakage.
DIY 12K MrCool Gen.3
You would need to have the line set vacuumed and charged appropriately by an HVAC professional. You can also give us a call at 270-575-9595 for assistance, or contact the manufacturer.