Geothermal Heat Pump in New Construction

geothermal heat pump in new construction Putting a geothermal heat pump in new construction is the most effective way to manage future energy costs. If you are designing and building a new home, you have an ideal opportunity. You have a unique chance to factor in the additional costs of installing geothermal energy into the building’s design without going through a painful and expensive retrofit later down the line. Of course, a geothermal heat pump isn't just about green, energy efficient performance. Is safety a major priority? A geothermal heat pump removes the risk of carbon monoxide inside your home, because it does not require on-site combustible fossil fuels to operate. Let's take a closer look at why is it an obvious choice to have a green and sustainable geothermal heat pump in new construction.

A Geothermal Heat Pump in New Construction Saves You Money

The alternative to installing a geothermal heat pump in new construction is relying on traditional heating using gas, oil, coal, or electricity. These forms of heating generally cost between $8,000 and $15,000. Geothermal is marginally more expensive initially, but it keeps you in control of your energy costs. Fossil fuels fluctuate in price, shackling you to volatile market forces. Your fuel bills could increase through no fault of your own, possibly leaving you regretting your decision. Geothermal can do the job of a furnace and a central air system in one hit. Plus, they are super-efficient, far outperforming traditional furnaces and air conditioning systems. Geothermal produces a positive net effect, thanks to a 300 to 400 percent efficiency return. So, for every unit of electricity used, it delivers up to 4 units of heat and fresh air into your home. It’s the reason why geothermal is rated number one in the efficiency charts.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your annual energy-savings should be somewhere between 30 and 60 percent. They break down these costs to a saving of between 30 and 70 percent on heating and 20 to 50 percent on cooling. It translates to a yearly saving of between $400 and $1,500.

Don’t Forget The Federal Incentives

The federal government wants you to install a geothermal heat pump in new construction, which is why you can get generous schemes and incentives. The good news is the government has just extended the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) through 2023. This is important! Although geothermal systems are more expensive to install, the incentives narrow the gap between traditional furnaces and boilers, making it hard to resist the benefits. It means you can still claim 26 percent of the cost of installation from your federal income tax. And it doesn’t stop there! Some states and utility companies offer local sweeteners to get you to take up greener energy. Check out the Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) to get a clearer picture of what is on offer. Speak to your mortgage broker and local energy companies about funding for renewable energy. Some banks offer energy-efficient mortgages designed to help you finance your installation. It is especially useful if you are building a home and want to take advantage of every incentive available. But hurry, because these programs don’t last forever. So if you are planning a new build, don’t delay.

Geothermal Adds Value To Your Home

A well-maintained geothermal system is a major bonus for any potential buyer out there. You may not be thinking of selling your dream build, but circumstances change all the time. It’s nice to know that geothermal energy will still make a difference if you have to sell. You will be able to demonstrate energy savings because you have a record of the bills, showing clear reductions. Compare this to traditional heating, and the statements will show an ever-rising monthly cost. With geothermal, the price remains stable because the heat you draw comes from the earth, costing nothing to produce, other than a nominal electricity charge to power the heat pump to push the warmth into the house. If we could show you a way to run your car at 10 percent of your annual fuel costs, we bet you’d pay readily for the secret. Geothermal does just that, but for your home instead.

Geothermal is Easier To Install In New Homes

Retrofitting geothermal is an expensive business. When your home is not designed for it, you have to create the heating system around the existing layout. This is inconvenient because it constrains you, the designer, and contractor. The minute you start talking about inconvenience, the costs skyrocket. And that’s without accounting for the price of the system and parts. Why rip out fittings and walls when you can simply make allowances at the new build stage, costing far less? As we all know, it’s far better to design something fit for purpose rather than adding an improvement, that while better, isn’t the best fit. You also increase the system’s efficiency because you can plan the best layout based on good design choices rather than forced decisions. And the installation isn’t just about inside your home. You also need to factor in the ground loops. The good news is that you have a blank canvas, so deciding where to locate the ground loops on a virgin piece of land is much easier. With a geothermal heat pump new construction, you are in complete control of everything, from sub-ground level to the very last tile on the roof.

It Lasts Longer

When you build your new home, you want it to last the distance and still look as good 20 years down the line. Why should you treat your heating and cooling any differently? If you invest the money now, you could have a heat source that lasts 30 years plus, with ground loops that continue working for well over half a century. They will probably keep working for as long as a building stands on the plot. When you compare this to traditional furnaces and air conditioning systems that last between 10 and 20 years, you get almost double the working life for not a lot more money. The weakest link is generally the heat pump. You might find it needs replacing after 20 to 25 years. The great news is it can be replaced independently of the rest of the system. Now that’s what we call future-proofing your new build.

It Needs Less Maintenance

Once your new geothermal system is installed, it should give you years of hassle-free use. All it requires is minor periodical maintenance to keep it going strong. The easiest way to take care of this is to speak to your contractor when you book the installation. They will have a maintenance program available at a minimal cost to keep your system purring like a contented cat.

It’s Safer

Furnaces are heating stalwarts in U.S. homes. Most new properties come with either propane, fuel oil, or natural gas systems. While the latest model furnaces are 90 percent efficient, you cannot avoid the fact that your furnace ignites and burns highly-combustible material to work effectively. Aside from the apparent dangers of explosive material and flames inside your home, there are other dangers to consider. But what are they?

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer, and anything that gets that accolade should always have your attention. It is silent, odorless, and colorless. It affects the elderly, children, pets, and people with underlying health conditions more severely. But, even low levels can be deadly. Watch for drowsiness, nausea, headaches, vomiting, weakness, chest pain, and confusion. So, how do you avoid carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide is a waste product of burning oil, gas, and coal. Typically, your heating system will safely vent the exhaust fumes into the outside air. The problem occurs when there is insufficient ventilation, and the gasses find their way into the home. It’s the reason why you should get a traditional furnace serviced every year for peace of mind. With geothermal heating, there are no such concerns. The heat comes from the natural reserves under the soil, and there is no combustible element to worry about.

Poor Air Quality

When you burn fossil fuels, it is inevitable that some of the fumes and grime from the combustion process should find their way into your home. Sure, you can invest in a filtered system, but that just creates added expense. With geothermal, the air inside is as clean as the fresh air outside. There is no pollution to contaminate the indoor air quality. If you are asthmatic or suffer from other lung and breathing disorders, geothermal is by far the cleanest and safest way to heat and cool your home.

It’s Less Obtrusive

Invariably, when you design a new home, you want clean lines with minimal clutter both on the inside and outside. Traditional furnaces take up valuable space, while air conditioning units are unsightly, aesthetically displeasing, and noisy. With a geothermal system, most of the elements are buried under the soil, so the only above-ground component is the heat pump. With virtually no working parts to contend with, the system is less obtrusive and far quieter.

New Homes and Geothermal Is a Match Made In Heaven

If you are reading this and are also thinking of designing a new house, we hope you get some idea of why geothermal energy is the perfect choice. If you are still undecided about the pros of geothermal, consider the future. Do you want your home to have the latest technology to make living in it the most comfortable experience? Obviously, the answer is yes, or you wouldn’t be thinking of building from scratch. So, why should your heating and cooling system be any different? Heat is a fundamental requirement for our homes. It is a pillar of the meaning of the word “shelter.” Being dry, comfortable, and warm are basic human necessities. So why not get the very best? Want to talk to one of our pros about a geothermal heat pump in new construction? You can reach us at 270-575-9595 or here.
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