Articles by Jacob

Articles by Jacob

What Are the Differences Between R-32 and R-454B Refrigerants?
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What Are the Differences Between R-32 and R-454B Refrigerants?

R-410A refrigerant is being phased out for air conditioning. Compare R-32 and R-454B refrigerants to find the best new refrigerant for your HVAC needs!
Can You Put R410A in an R32 System?
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Can You Put R410A in an R32 System?

Is R32 a drop-in replacement for R410A? What about putting R410A in an R32 system? Learn what not to do when you have a refrigerant issue in our guide.
geothermal vs natural gas
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Geothermal vs Natural Gas & Why Geothermal Wins

When it comes to geothermal vs natural gas, which is a better choice for your home? In just about every case we will come down on the side of geothermal.
geothermal heat pump in new construction
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Geothermal Heat Pump in New Construction

Can your budget fit a geothermal heat pump in new construction? With all the efficiencies geothermal offers, making the numbers work is worth it!
advantages of geothermal
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10 Advantages of Geothermal Energy

Do you want to invest in ground-source tech? “What are the advantages of geothermal?” is a legit question to ask, especially given the costs involved. 
geothermal heat
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Will Geothermal Heat in a Cold Climate?

People often say geothermal heat won’t cut it in a cold climate. Frankly, this perception about ground-source technology is just plain wrong.
ground source heat pump efficiency
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Improving Ground Source Heat Pump Efficiency

Geothermal is an efficient ways to heat and cool. But what if you wanted to take it further? How can you improve ground source heat pump efficiency?
green hvac
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Green HVAC Technology for Your Home

Skeptical about green HVAC tech? Think it's too expensive? Geothermal isn't your only option. There are also low cost, eco-safe ways to save.
geothermal heating
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Geothermal Heating: The Facts

Geothermal heating is at the forefront of the push to find better, more efficient ways to heat our homes. How much could you save?
mrcool air conditioner condenser
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Spotlight: MrCool Air Conditioner Condenser

A new MRCOOL air conditioner condenser from the Signature Series line could be the HVAC tool you need to maximize your home air comfort.

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