Heating & Air Conditioning

AFUE - Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency

Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) is the measurement we use to determine how efficiently a furnace or boiler will operates on average.

R-22 Phase Out: Time to Switch?

The R-22 phase out will hit the United States on 1 January 2020. Should you upgrade now or should you hold out for as long as possible?

Top 5 HVAC Efficiency Boosters

Check out these Top 5 HVAC Efficiency Boosters to save money, stay comfortable, and live your best life. Like in a self-help book, but these actually work.

The One HVAC Unit Every Home Should Have

It's certainly true that all homes have different heating and cooling needs, but we're convinced one HVAC unit in particular should be installed everywhere.

Cut Your Utility Bill Without Cutting Comfort

Do you dread opening your utility bill every month? Don't! There are practical, cost effective ways to reduce your expenses without sacrificing comfort.

Lighten Your Air Conditioner Electrical Load

When it's hot, you want to stay comfortable and save money. One way to do that is to manage down your air conditioner electrical load as much as possible.

Heating & Cooling with Ancient HVAC

You probably don't think much about ancient HVAC, but our ancestors had very sophisticated ways to stay comfortable. What can we learn from them?

Don't Wait, Upgrade Home Energy Efficiency Now

Do you prioritize home energy efficiency? Few Americans spend time thinking about it, but improving performance is a great way to save money.

5 HVAC Energy Saving Tips for Your Home

Heating and air conditioning isn't free. Use these 5 HVAC energy saving tips to reduce your energy consumption, save money, and live well.

Top 10 HVAC Myths You Might Believe

There are a lot of HVAC myths and misinformation that can lead to bad decisions. Make sure you don't run afoul of any of these misconceptions.

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