In a comic book, ClimateMaster would build a weather machine to threaten the world! In real life, they're a respected company that builds great geothermal heat pumps. Which, admittedly, is not as cool as building a weather machine. It is a lot more practically useful though.
ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps
While ClimateMaster might not have yet launched a nefarious plot, they have launched many superb geothermal heating and cooling machines. Their main focus is on water-source heat pumps, products many people also call geothermal heat pumps. On this front, the company has developed a reputation for building high quality, high performance geothermal systems. This combination has proven very popular with consumers. So much so that it is not uncommon to find their products available only on back-order!
So, what's in a ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump?
Prime Quality: The ClimateMaster Tranquility
To give you an example of what you will find in a ClimateMaster geothermal heat pump product, here are a list of components you might find inside a Tranquility brand package unit:
- High efficiency filter system
- Tin plated air coil
- Variable speed blower motor
- Next generation high efficiency two stage scroll compressor
- iGate Communicating Controls
- iGate ClimaZone
- Advanced monitoring and diagnostics
- Wi-Fi communicating thermostat
- Acoustically engineered cabinet
- Foil backed insulation
- Stainless steel drain pans
- Hot water generator
- vFlow Variable Water Flow
- Q-Mode
- Air filter
- Stainless steel cabinet
Made in America
For many homeowners, the best thing these folks do is build their equipment right here in the United States. They have a 500,000 square-foot cutting-edge factory in Oklahoma City that employs more than 500 people in support of over 1,000 independent dealers (us included).
So, if you're looking for a superior quality, American-made geothermal heat pump, make sure you consider ClimateMaster. And make sure you get it from us! We've carried their geothermal heat pump units for years, and can help you pick the right system with the right accessories for your home.
Do you have questions or comments about ClimateMaster or ground-source heat pumps? Ask us here, on Facebook, or on Twitter.