What is BTU and How Many Do I Need?

BTU A British thermal unit, commonly referred to as a BTU, is a key rating to consider when selecting a home appliance. Many appliances, such as an air conditioning unit or heating system, are measured in BTUs. They can act as a benchmark for the capacity and capabilities of these systems. Understanding how to calculate BTU outputs and how many you need is essential to choosing a home appliance that fits your unique needs.

What Is a British Thermal Unit?

A BTU is a unit of measurement of the amount of heat of energy sources, such as fuels. A BTU represents the amount of heat that is needed to raise the temperature of a pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. This figure is usually measured at 39 degrees Fahrenheit, where water has its greatest density. One BTU is small when compared to the amount of energy consumption per person each year. Research has found that energy consumption per person or per capita was approximately 282 million BTUs in one year. British thermal units were designed in 1956 and are estimated to equal about 1,055 joules.

What Are Uses of British Thermal Units?

The amount of heat or energy content can be used to compare the sources of fuels or energy on an equal basis. Fuel can be converted into a common unit of energy or heat content equal to each fuel from an initial physical unit of measurement, such as volume or weight. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) uses BTUs as a unit of measurement for energy content. Energy content can be useful to compare energy sources on an equal basis. To compare the sources of fuel or energy on an equal basis, the EIA collects information on the physical amounts of energy sources. Then, they equate the sources into BTU equivalents.

What Is BTU/h?

BTU/h is an acronym that stands for British thermal units or BTU per hour. Many heating systems, including a gas furnace, utilize the measurement of BTUs per hour to assess the capacity the system has. For example, an air conditioning unit measures the amount of heat removed from the air in BTUs. In more cases, a smaller air conditioning system with a lower BTU/h range is ideal for a smaller home, condo or even a single floor in a home or complex. For larger homes or even commercial applications, a system with a larger BTU/h range is often needed. Understanding BTU ranges and BTU output can help you select the right heating or cooling appliance for your home.

How Is BTU Used to Rate Home Appliances?

BTU is a system used to classify the capabilities of many home appliances. When selecting a home appliance, consider the output ranges to choose a system that is right for your home and unique needs. A BTU rating can be used when comparing multiple home appliances and their capabilities.

BTU Rated Appliances

  • Heating systems: BTUs can help you select a heating system for your home with the appropriate strength and range to efficiently and comfortably warm your home.
  • Air conditioning units: When rating air conditioning units, BTUs can be useful to determine how much heat the unit can remove from the air each hour. Too little or too much of a BTU output can strain the system and be less effective.
  • Fireplaces: Understanding the BTU rating is essential to selecting a fireplace that provides adequate heat. If a fireplace has too little BTU output, you will feel chilly throughout the day. And that's because the fireplace is not strong enough to warm the entire house. Too high of a BTU output can make a home uncomfortably warm.
  • Boilers: The capacity of a boiler or water heater is measured in BTUs. This can be helpful when determining a BTU range that is right for your home and its location and climate. Another factor that may affect the BTU capacity of a boiler is the number of windows and doors in your home and the insulation used in your home. For warmer climates, you may need a boiler with a slightly lower BTU range.
  • Grills: Many propane applications, including gas grills, are often rated by their energy output capacity in BTUs. BTU ranges can help you determine the capacity of each burner.
  • Stoves: The average stove has approximately 7,000/h for each burner. While this is the average for each burner, some low-heat cooking burners may use around 3,000 or 5,000 BTUs as they are designed for simmering. Some burners may even go up to 12,000 BTUs and are meant for rapid boiling or high-heat cooking.

Is More BTU Always Better?

While additional BTU may sound like a stronger and more effective appliance, it is not always better. There are potential drawbacks to consider if you purchase a unit with too many BTUs or too high of a BTU range. Choosing the proper BTU range of an appliance can ensure the unit runs properly and is effective.

Too Many or Too Few BTU Disadvantages

  • Additional costs: If a system features too low or too high of a BTU range, it may cost more money to operate. For example, a heating system that is too low in BTU output may be less effective. A less effective heating system will not warm a home properly, causing it to run longer to raise the temperature to the ideal level.
  • More wear and tear: An improperly sized machine may be less effective and cause additional wear and tear on the system. If an air conditioning unit is too large for a home, the compressor may need to turn off or on more than it was initially designed to. This use of the compressor may strain and limit the lifespan of the unit.
  • Underperformance: When choosing too low of a BTU range for a system, you may notice the home appliance does not run smoothly or effectively. A fireplace with too small of a BTU rating may not provide adequate warmth to the house and fail to keep your home warm in the evenings or throughout winter.
  • Overperformance: While some people may think more is always better, an overperforming unit can be just as ineffective as an underperforming one. If you consider the previous fireplace example and change the system to be too powerful, you can easily imagine the complications that may arise. Too strong of a fireplace will overheat the house, causing it to be stifling and stuffy. Too warm of a home also generates wasted energy that can raise your bill.

What Is the Difference Between BTU Input and BTU Output?

While BTU ranges can be a helpful measurement to understand a system's capacities better, the measurement may be given in either BTU input or BTU output. The difference between BTU input and BTU output is what each value measures. The BTU input is the amount of fuel, such as a heating unit, consumed each hour the system is operating. On the other hand, the BTU output is a measure of the efficiency of the system.

BTU Output and Efficiency Ratings

In the example of a heating system, the BTU output would measure the efficiency of the heater's ability to effectively and properly heat a house. During the process of warming the house, there will also be some heat or energy lost from the process. Essentially, no heating unit is 100% efficient and effective. With any system, a minor amount of heat or energy loss is to be expected. While some heat may be lost, a higher efficiency rating means a more effective system. During the heating process, a unit needs to consume fuel to warm a house. As fuel is consumed, some of this energy will be lost because of inefficiencies. An efficiency rating is provided to help consumers understand the level of performance a unit can offer and gauge its effectiveness. In some cases, the efficiency rating will be provided within the product details and specifications. In other cases, you may need to inquire with the manufacturer to get the efficiency rating. When choosing a heating system, it is essential to understand the product's efficiency rating to select a system that most effectively warms your home and minimizes energy loss.

Efficiency Rating Factors

The most common reason for a product not being 100% efficient is that some of the heat within a system is lost in exhaust gases because ventilation is needed to remove carbon monoxide. While no unit is 100% efficient, many implement the latest technology and are as efficient as possible. Some heaters even have a 99% efficiency rating.

Does Higher BTU Use More Energy?

The higher a BTU rating of a system, the higher the capacity it has to perform its function. For example, an air conditioning unit with a higher BTU rating may cool a larger home. While this may sound appealing, you only need the recommended BTU rating for the size of your home. The more BTU a system produces, the more energy the system must consume to provide its cooling or heating capabilities. As the unit consumes more energy, it can result in higher costs. To avoid paying too much in energy costs for an overpowered unit, you will want to select one designed for the size of your space. Many people consider the number of rooms their house has and the square footage of their home to determine how many BTUs they may need.

How Is BTU Used in Energy Efficiency Ratings?

The energy efficiency rating, simply referred to as EER, of an air conditioner takes the BTU rating divided by its wattage. Consider a 10,000-BTU air conditioning unit that consumes 1,200 watts. The EER of this system would be 8.3 (10,000 BTU/1,200 watts). The higher the EER rating, the more effective a system is. To understand the importance of an energy efficiency rating, consider two air conditioning units, each with a 10,000 BTU rating. One unit uses 1,200 watts with an EER of 8.3, while the other unit consumes 1,000 watts with an EER of 10. The price difference between these two systems is $100, with the 1,000-watt system costing more. To understand how long you will need to run the more expensive unit to regain your investment, approximate how many hours per year you'd run the unit and how much a kilowatt-hour costs in your area. Suppose you estimate you will use the air conditioner for six hours daily for four months each year at the cost of $0.10/kWh. In that case, the energy consumption difference between the two units is 200 watts. For every five hours the inexpensive system is running, it will consume an additional $0.10 more than the more expensive unit. With an average of 30 days in each month, you would operate the air conditioner for approximately 720 hours a year if you use it 6 hours a day for four months. This helps you understand that, while the one air conditioning unit costs more at purchase, it costs less money to operate. This will save significant money in the long run.

How Many BTU per Square Foot Do You Need?

In general, anywhere from 15-30 per square foot may be necessary. The amount of BTU per square foot heating rule varies widely based on several factors, including the size of your house. In addition to the size of your house, you will want to determine your home's climate. Each climate zone can affect the size of a unit you need to work effectively. Therefore, understanding climate zones and other factors can help you properly calculate a unit's size. 

1. Climate Zone

One of the first steps to determining the proper size is to select your climate zone. Some different climate zones include areas that are considered moist, dry or marine. If you notice you live in a place on the border between two zones, choosing the higher value or cooler zone is typically recommended.

2. Size of Home

In addition to the climate zone, you will also want to consider the size of your home and the total square footage. The overall size of your home is an essential factor to consider when selecting a properly sized unit. Likewise, square footage is a useful metric to help you avoid choosing an underpowered or overpowered unit.

3. Insulation

Consider your home's insulation, including the insulation thickness and how well your home is sealed. The term sealed refers to the exterior of your home and the materials used. The condition of your windows and doors is also essential. Are the windows and doors of your home newer or in good condition? Factor in this information to determine if there are any areas of your home that may result in energy loss.

4. Sun Exposure

One of the final elements to consider is the amount of sun exposure your home averages. In addition to the general warmth and climate, you may need to consider if trees and other structures shade your home or if it sits in the sun for most of the day. While heavily shaded is a possibility, most homes fall into the category of average or very sunny.

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