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Homestead living is a dream come true in many ways, but winter is always just around the corner when you're an off-grid living enthusiast. Protecting your crops and livestock when the cold comes in is second nature. Protecting yourself may require a little extra thought and planning, though. Understanding your heating options is a must for getting you through the winter — at least, getting you through the winter without wearing all your clothes at once or listening to your teeth chatter during late-night trips to the bathroom.
Many types of heating systems are suited to homestead living and the best one for you depends on your property, budget and needs. The choice can seem overwhelming, but going through your options step-by-step can help you choose how you'll stay warm through the spring thaw.
Should I Use a Wood Stove?
Self-sufficiency is integral to homesteading, and a wood stove fits nicely with off-grid living. A wood stove will rank quite high if you're looking for the most efficient way to heat a home. You'll have a lovely, old-fashioned fireplace that heats the whole building.
Pros of a Wood Stove
Wood stoves are excellent at extracting every last inch of heat from the logs you feed them. These stoves provide a high enough heat output to heat your entire home without a single kilowatt of electricity. You also have more control over your heating and can adjust the temperature easily by burning more or less wood.
If eco-friendliness is a consideration, you'll want to look for a newer model. Modern versions produce fewer harmful emissions, lowering global and local ambient air pollution. New EPA-certified wood stoves are also remarkably efficient, using one-third as much firewood to generate the same amount of heat.
Cons of a Wood Stove
Installation and the appliance itself can leave a dent in your pocket, though its durability and the sustainability of having one in your home can help offset the cost.
If you've never used a wood stove before, it might take a little getting used to. You'll have to stock up on cords of wood and keep them on hand at all times. You may even have to chop the wood yourself, which is great cardio, but a bit of a hassle. If you don't live near a forest, you may have to travel some distance to harvest your firewood.
Finally, the stove's body can get scorching hot, which could pose a safety risk to pets and small children.
Should I Use a Masonry Fireplace?
For a more traditional and aesthetically pleasing option, consider a masonry fireplace made of brick, stone and mortar. These fireplaces are most often installed during construction, though you can add the firebox and chimney afterward.
Pros of a Masonry Fireplace
Masonry fireplaces are functional and possess a certain rustic charm, making them a firm favorite. Their undeniable charm creates an ambiance that's challenging to replicate with other systems.
Masonry fireplaces are also versatile. Brick and mortar hold heat very well, so it can be an excellent choice for heating your homestead for long periods. You can also use masonry fireplaces to boil water if you'd like to save on energy costs.
Cons of a Masonry Fireplace
On the flip side, masonry fireplaces are large, with space-invading attachments like the chimney and hearth. You might find you're limited in where you can place your fireplace. Masonry fireplaces are fixtures in your home, so you'd better be sure about the location — as there'll be no moving it later, regardless of how it turns out.
Building a masonry fireplace in your home will be expensive and you'll also need to factor in cleaning and maintenance costs. The chimney serves as an exhaust and gets dirty quickly. Without regular maintenance and cleaning, blockages can develop and lead to fire hazards or dangerous carbon monoxide backflow.
Should I Use a Pellet Stove?
Pellet stoves take the guesswork out of homestead heating and provide one of the cheapest ways to heat a home. There isn't much opportunity for human error, either, so you'll be safe even if you have one too many glasses of red wine in front of the fire on a cold winter night.
Pros of a Pellet Stove
You can use a thermostat to control your pellet stove's temperature, and the central control panel makes them easy to operate. There's no need for manual adjustments with a pellet stove — its automation takes care of the temperature and airflow.
Pellet stoves are incredibly efficient, providing a lot of heat per pellet. This highly clean-burning stove option gives you as much heat as possible from every pellet with minimal waste. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all new pellet stoves to meet low-emission standards, which is fantastic for sustainability.
Installation is cost-effective and since pellet stoves don't require ventilation, you can install them anywhere you want. There are several models to choose from to suit the needs and sizes of the heated areas. While you'll have to clean them every few days, manufacturers have made pellet stoves easy to clean. Storing your fuel is also tidy and straightforward. You can buy the fuel in bags and keep some inside the stove — no mess, no fuss.
Cons of a Pellet Stove
Pellet stoves are electric, with additional bulky components that take up space and are challenging to move. These electrical components also make pellet stoves more of a hassle to maintain. You'll need to clean them out often and have a certified technician.
The electricity means you'll have another energy cost in addition to the fuel pellets. Reduced availability can increase fuel prices. Those pellets are also manufactured, meaning you can't harvest your own the way you can with firewood. If you let your supply get low, you could freeze while trying to get more.
Pellet stoves have a less traditional look — even the flames are different, which may not fit your homestead aesthetic. You also won't get the pleasant lull of a crackling fire with a pellet stove, as all their moving parts make them noisy.
Should I Use a Heat Pump?
A heat pump could make your shortlist if you're looking for more than just a heating option. The system uses heat from the outside air to warm your home. These multifunctional devices also remove the need for an air conditioning system while providing a reliable heating option in the colder months.
Pros of Heat Pumps
A heat pump is many people's first choice for homesteading temperature control. Instead of burning fuel to generate heat, they draw in heat from outside to warm your home. They'll also help you reduce costs compared to other electric heating options and limit your reliance on fossil fuels — a plus if you're environmentally conscious!
Heat pumps are user-friendly and low maintenance, which is good news if you prefer to spend your time doing something other than figuring out your heating system. They also don't use gas or release carbon monoxide, making them a safer heating option for small spaces and homes with children.
Cons of Heat Pumps
Despite their popularity, heat pumps do come with some downsides. Incorporating a complex technology is expensive, so expect to pay a pretty penny for installation, repairs and maintenance. Heat pumps also run on electricity, which can get expensive due to rising natural gas prices.
Heat pumps do better in temperate areas, as their efficiency plummets in colder climates. You'll also get cold quickly in a power outage unless you have a backup plan.
Should I Use Geothermal Heating?
Although geothermal heating is a bit complex, it has significant advantages in terms of off-grid energy.
Geothermal systems come in different types. Underground tubes circulate water — sometimes mixed with antifreeze — that the earth's temperature warms in winter and cools in summer. The tube systems connect to a unit in your homestead that converts the liquid into heated air, which travels throughout your home.
Pros of Geothermal Heating
Geothermal heating can have a significant impact on your heating and cooling costs. This eco-friendly system creates minimal air pollution, though you'll still need electricity from solar or grid power to operate one.
Like heat pumps, geothermal systems draw heat from the environment. However, geothermal heating is suitable for any climate since it pulls heat from the ground instead of the air.
Cons of Geothermal Heating
If you want the benefits of geothermal heating, you have to be willing to pay for them. You can't take advantage of this system unless you're prepared to dig up the roses and dip into your savings.
Installing a complex system like this is expensive. You may need to dig up your garden, as installation requires extensive landscaping to place the underground pipes. Depending on the technology, you might also need to upgrade the ducts in your home.
Should I Use Solar Heating?
There may not be more sustainable off-grid heating than harnessing the sun's energy. Solar heating systems are gaining popularity, though they still come with their own challenges.
Pros of Solar Heating
With solar heating, you may not need to use electricity at all. You're producing clean energy and minimizing your carbon footprint, as the sun's heat is entirely renewable. Once you get past the installation, solar may well be the cheapest way to heat a home.
Cons of Solar Heating
Sounds perfect, right? Pay specific attention to the phrase "once you get past the installation." A solar-powered heating system isn't cheap to install — quite the opposite. The upfront installation costs can be prohibitive, although the long-term energy savings still make it worth exploring as long as the sun shines.
Solar heating isn't suited to all climates. As the name suggests, solar heating requires sunlight, so your heating system won't work if you're short on that. If you live in a primarily overcast area, you may find that you can't generate heat at all.
Additionally, you'll need an inverter to change your DC current to AC. Depending on your inverter capacity — the maximum power your system can provide — more than a few days of bad weather might leave you shivering in the cold.
Should I Use Passive Building?
If your homestead is in the design or redesign phase, you can use passive building techniques to design a house that needs less energy. Instead of relying on air conditioning and heating systems, these techniques focus on regulating temperatures by using a building's passive influences — sunshine, shade and natural ventilation. Combine these principles with robust insulation and an airtight interior, and you have a passive house.
Pros of Passive Building
Passive building offers a lot of flexibility in the design, letting you build a house that suits your needs. A properly designed passive house will significantly reduce energy costs and improve indoor air quality, providing massive health benefits. You can also enjoy better-regulated temperatures in the rooms.
Relying on innovative architecture to heat your home gives you peace of mind as you reduce your carbon footprint. In the long term, passive building is an excellent investment for eco-friendly and off-grid living.
Cons of Passive Building
The main hurdle in passive building is the cost. Most existing homes will require a complete rebuild and the specialized architecture and materials make the process more costly than building a typical house.
Working with an experienced contractor is essential, which can further increase the cost. However, it will help prevent errors that could otherwise lessen your homestead's eco-friendliness and energy efficiency.
What's the Best Heating Option for Your Homestead?
Everyone has unique needs and requirements for homestead heating. The choice of what's best for you depends on your preference. There are some considerations to narrow down your options, including the following:
Location: Where you live is central to your decision. Consider your climate, the distance you'll have to travel to get fuel for your heating system and the reliability of backup power.
Maintenance: Every heating system requires maintenance, but it's worth considering how much time you'd like to spend cleaning and tweaking your system. What would you like your life to look like? If you can't picture yourself scrubbing dirty chimneys, it's worth focusing on more user-friendly options.
Aesthetics: How important is the look and feel of your heating system? Are you looking for something that fits seamlessly with your homestead's rustic design or a purely functional alternative? Try to picture the different heating systems in your home and see if they work.
Budget: Some heating options come with significant initial expenses. Consider what you're willing to spend upfront and weigh that against the long-term cost of various heating options. Which is best suited to your needs now and in the future?
Energy saving: How off-grid do you want to be? Perhaps you prefer to stay away from electricity altogether or stick to natural fuels like wood. Considering how sustainable you'd like your heating system to be can help you narrow down your choices.
Upgrade Your HVAC With Ingrams Water & Air
You have many options for upgrading your HVAC system, each with its own pros and cons. Ingrams Water & Air has a wide range of options to suit your homestead's needs.
If you're looking for a way to save time, money and hassle when shopping for your next heating alternative, browse through what we have on offer. If you're interested in a pricier system, you might also want to consider our financing options.
Feel free to share your questions with us and let one of our experts help you make the best decision.